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We are wired for story, our ancestors sat in circles and shared what had heart and meaning. I heard a lot of stories growing up that created some joy, some feeling of family “pride” and probably more shame than I ever understood. These stories were not about me, but acted to define who I thought I was. I sought meaning for life so hard in those stories and yet, it never felt authentic to what I was about.

When I left home, home disappeared behind me, like an evaporation. I looked ahead to create my own new story that made me feel strong and yet often I was unsteady, not calm or connected inside of me. I held fast to any bit of my “herstory” that I could relate to and learn from and worked hard to understand my endings as they came to reveal truth and meaning.

I could not change what had “happened” to me, but I slowly realized I could change my perception of my own story.

It is powerful to shift my deeply and long held perspectives, like taking myself out of the role of “circumstances”. For example, when my “father left” I had no control, and yet when I shifted to “my parents split up” I noticed I felt less victimized and a tiny bit more cohesive, more whole. It became less about who I was and more about my parents. Later, as a married woman herself divorcing, I completely realized how relationships end, and it is how we do it that will hold meaning and story. Even now, I see how patterns of abandonment can creep in, and I can apply an active process to shift the narrative. Like, simply allowing myself to accept that I play a part in all these stories, and even when it truly seems like something “happened” or is happening to me, I have the true ability to step into a place of personal power and reclaim the narrative.

I can become my own Heroine, in my story. I can redefine the role I play and how I perceive it. I get to rewrite my story and the ending anytime I choose to by shifting my perspective. I ask myself, “Why do I hold onto this ending? Why do I hold onto this version of the story?” What would happen if I decided to place myself in the role of the heroine instead? I am not bypassing or avoiding reality when I shift perspective, I am consciously choosing to reframe how I fit into my story to empower me.

Sometimes someone comes along and can reflect to us what we cannot see. Their perspective can shed new light on our story. I encourage you to be open to this, to invite reflection from someone you trust. To have courage to listen openly and consider shifting your perspective. You may be surprised how much of your own power you can reclaim by seeing another perspective.

A tool to reclaim your power and grow perspective is in integrating the triggers from our trauma. Consider joining the upcoming Resources for Resiliency course starting February 19, 2022. See how you can learn to reframe, integrate and reclaim your sovereignty.

5 Days left to join the Live in Person or Live on Zoom

300 Hr. Advanced Teacher Training / Self Mastery

This will be a genuinely life enhancing, soul enriching and heart expanding opportunity to Self Mastery. Whether you are a yoga teacher or NOT you are welcome, this content is so rich, it transcends the boundaries of a teacher training. It is life training.

We begin Friday, January 21st, LIVE, join us. Scholarships available, no one turned away!

Sending you love and gratitude,

