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It’s been a minute! How have you been? Over here we spent 2022 teaching the 300 Hour Advanced Yoga Teacher training course, filming and editing and launching it all on line! What a journey, what an adventure. I am so grateful for our team of excellent editors and of course, devoted and phenomenal students who you will see in the course. Now, you can take the full Advanced training for 500 hour Certification or for personal Self Mastery. Watch these phenomenal and interactive modules on line and then join the Live Zoom Mentoring and Technique sessions to advance your practice, your teaching platform and most of all deliver you to what you believed lived inside of you! This is the Sacred journey, experience and connection you have needed!

Enroll 300 Hour Self Mastery Teacher Training

Do you want to Relax and Ease some of that tension and anxiety?

Join InSight Timer and Find me there, feel free to share your rating on there, I hope you enjoy the Yoga Nidras, these are some of my best to help you find your way back to a tender heart, away from the stress and division and into a united and whole heart again.

InSight Timer Yoga Nidra with Denise

On Line Yin/Restorative Classes On Going!

Join Me Live on Line from the comfort of your cozy home for Yin & Restorative with a Juicy Yoga Nidra

Class Link, Donation Based

Congratulations to our recent Graduates of the Advanced Training and Self Mastery, you all taught me so much and I am blessed with your grace! And onward to our ongoing group of remote students, showing us that distance can still connect in all ways!

Amber Cliett, Brandon, MS

Sue Barnes, Scotts Valley, CA

Jessica Hutzell, Annapolis, MD

Jessica McRee, Santa Barbara, CA

Rona Spears, Capitola, CA

Megan Turner, Oxford, MS

Meditation: Just Let It Happen

If you think your mind races in too many directions and you cannot quiet it, that’s okay. If you feel like even the word Meditation is from another whole vocabulary, that’s okay. If you feel sad, disconnected from a calm center, and cannot imagine slowing down or it feels scary, that’s okay. There are as many ways to meditate as there are ways to see the world, and that is more than okay. The funny thing is, it is not about perfecting a practice it is about practicing to be. Just to be, to be okay with all that is. That is not apathy nor is it complacency, it is learning to let go of the tension that fights against what is and then redirecting that awareness towards what we choose to. Every bit of energy you expend in fighting against what is can be redirected towards what you wish to instigate. Change comes after awareness is birthed. Awareness is birthed in a quiet space, letting it happen is like allowing a plant to grow. Allow.

How do we do this? If you are new to Meditation, let go of all of your notions, the should’s and the could’s and sit still, use any tools you like from sound currents, mantras, pranayamas (breathing practices), mudras (finger/hand configurations), gazing at a candle flame or simply closed eyes. Notice your physical body, settle in and find your breath. No expectations, no wild ideas. Be with yourSelf. Let that arrive to the surface for you. And like we have heard, everywhere you go, there you are. Be there, be here. Be.

Yoga Nidra, a form of deep Yogic “sleep”, will relax your nervous system and often we can slide deeply into Meditation after this easily or some of you might prefer to slide into sleep. Either way it is physiologically, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually relaxing, stabilizing, and most of all restorative. You can try it on the link above now or on my website under Offerings.

Warm wishes to each of you, let’s keep holding each other!


Here is an interesting article on Meditation

Forbes: Meditation Benefits
