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Dear Yoga Family,

It has been a year! Enormous gratitude we made it through a whole year with calm, rain is here now and the land is sighing with relief. Me too. Behind the scenes, I have worked on reformatting my Advanced Teacher training to meet this brave new world.

If you are a 200 Hour Yoga teacher and want to advance your studies, practice and teaching, check out the details here: NEW 300 HR YTT

I believe we can learn in more ways than we ever imagined. And, we need EACH OTHER! We need community, we need support, we need to feel a deep sense of belonging and this new format gives us that, whichever way you take the course. I am especially excited about how we will connect twice a month LIVE on Zoom for some serious mentoring support! I miss you, I miss being in person and I know that this way of connecting will expand our circles exponentially!

Email me so we can set up a chat, I am so excited to see you soon!

Reconnecting to Nature is your True Nature

If you live here in Santa Cruz or nearby, you know what I mean when I say “out in Nature”. My goddess we are blessed here, the ocean, the redwoods, the land, the hills and the air! Being “out in nature” is often as easy as walking West Cliff drive or hiking anywhere around here. Living back east, even on the gorgeous Chesapeake Bay I remember realizing that having access to the water’s edge or even getting out on the Bay required some kind of privilege. Waterfront land, a boat or some other water toy but something. Mostly it took some degree of privilege. How can we help make Nature more accessible for us humans?

How can we take more care, rest and nurturing of our Nature? Our True Self?

Our human body is made up of the very elements we see all around us. Ayurveda teaches the 5 elements, Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth as a way to connect ourselves to the great Mother. Within me is what is outside of me, I am the microcosm of the macrocosm. Living in this rich natural environment is astounding, I am gobsmacked to be surrounded by this beauty. Even in the fires, with the drought, the winds and all that Mother Nature can deliver, she awes me with what I feel like when I immerse in her.

For you, where ever you live, anywhere in this world, consider how much time you get to spend in Nature and I encourage you to immerse yourself for the greatest healing possible. From simply lying on the ground, walking in the rain, feeling sand on the beach in your toes, touching the soft moss growing on a forest tree, just get outside.

Take that Nature break as much as you can, instead of trying to fit Nature into your life, are you able to fit your life around Nature?
